Saturday, August 31, 2019

Journal on Hamlet’s quote Essay

Hamlet is one of Shakespeares most discussed plays. The drama has a lot of figurative language to be interpreted in various meanings. Among the famous quotes taken from Hamlet, perhaps the one bringing a wide range of different opinions is the line Hamlet said to his friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Why, then, tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so: to me it is a prison. (Shakespeare, Hamlet, II, ii, 249.) There is a deep concept in this saying, which perfectly represents the reality and the values of right and wrong. In the context, despite Hamlet saying this line does not refer to the moral values in the society; it does reflect the theme of the play. In this scene when Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, his old friends directed by King Claudius to come and check on his madness, Hamlet simply is mocking his fake friends naiveness. However, this quote does not only have this joking effect, but also foretells the theme of the play. Hamlet is the play of revenge, of finding the truth, of defining what is right and what is wrong. The way the prince thinks about life is going to help him deciding on his actions. . . . for there is nothing either good or bad implies in this world, nothing being is given a low or high value, a righteous or foul reason to exist. The way people look at it, react to it, and perceive it make it good, or bad. For instance, killing is always considered a horrible crime, but in the play Hamlet has to decide to murder his own uncle. However in that situation it is not completely a crime. It may either be right or wrong, depends on each persons view on what is more meaningful, a life, or the elimination of bad deeds. The decision to defy something as right or wrong also depends on a lot of different background like historical, cultural and other aspects. Hamlet considers the marriage between his mom and his uncle two months after King Hamlets death is unethical. The truth is in other nations, relatives do get royal marriage right after death of a family member to remain the stability within the royal clan, which is considered great wisdom and of great moral. In each persons view, an event has various personal relations to his belief and moral conception; therefore the definitions of right and wrong, good and bad vary among people. The argument of right and wrong, or good and bad, perhaps is the main theme  of the play. Is revenge a good excuse for murder? Is Hamlet not doing the same thing as Claudius did to his father? The answers lay upon each audience and his own opinion, as the truth lays in thinking makes it so Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Rpt. in Compact Literature Reading Reacting Writing. By Kirszner and Mandell. 6th ed. 2007.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Hobbes and Locke: Social Contract Essay

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke held contrasting theories on how government should limit the rights of men, which they referred to as the social contract. Thomas Hobbes’ theory of the social contract is that a government should have complete discretion over the limitations of men’s rights, while Locke’s theory is that a social contract is necessary, but the rights limited should be solely for the protection of property. Thomas Hobbes’ theory of the social contract is that men should give up all of their rights to an absolute government for the protection of their lives. He writes in Chapter 14 of Leviathan that â€Å"man [should] be willing †¦ for peace and defence of himself †¦ to lay down this right to all things †¦. â€Å" (Hobbes 161). He concludes by describing the motive for man handing over rights as being for his security (Hobbes 162). John Locke’s theory is that the social contract should limit the rights of man only to protect his property. In Chapter 9 Locke describes his theory that man joins the social contract â€Å"only with an intention †¦ to preserve †¦ [his] property† (Locke 171). Locke contrasts with Hobbes where he writes in Chapter 7 of Of Civil Government that anyone that thinks that absolute government improves men should read the history of any age to be convinced otherwise (Locke 170). What role the social contract should have in the lives of men is subjective. Thomas Hobbes’ theory on the social contract holds that an absolute government is needed for the protection of men’s lives, while John Locke’s theory focuses on a limited government solely for the protection of men’s property. Works Cited Thomas Hobbes; â€Å"Leviathan†; The Arts 1000 Reader; Pearson 2007; pp 159-163 John Locke; â€Å"Of Civil Government†; The Arts 1000 Reader; Pearson 2007; pp 167-173.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Against Euthanasia

Euthanasia  is: 1. â€Å"A quiet, painless death. †Ã‚  or 2. â€Å"The intentional putting to death of a person with an incurable or painful disease intended as an act of mercy. † BIBLICAL POINTS: -Euthanasia is considered MURDER One of the Ten Commandments is â€Å"Thou shall not kill† and life is a gift from God that should not be destroyed – God has given us life to live, and SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AWAY on purpose – God is in everyone and every living thing. If you harm a living thing, YOU ARE HARMING GOD. – Paul stated (1 Corinthians 6:19) that our bodies are temples of our Lord. In VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA, we should not destroy ourselves because our life contains God’s Holy Spirit – WHEN JOB WAS GOING THROUGH SUFFERING, he still refused to TAKE HIS OWN LIFE. He argues that we must accept the suffering as we accept happiness and joy. SUFFERING IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH. – No man dies unless God allows it (Job 2:6) Therefore, according to the Bible, a person SHOULD NOT be killed because of a certain condition they have. Although they WILL DIE, euthanasia should not take place. IT IS MURDER. Yes, God has planned that they will be terminally ill, and he knows when they will die. But only HE has the right to take their life, not doctors. OTHER POINTS: -the power to play with people’s lives should not be handed out under a legal and /or medical disguise. – it promotes abuse and gives doctors the right to urder. – doctors are people who we trust and cure us, but euthanasia gives them the opportunity to PLAY GOD -It’s not only Christians who are against euthanasia, but other religions too. (Musilim, Jews, Hindu, Buddhist) -UNBEARBLE PAIN- pain cannot be all eliminated, but killing is not the answer! The solution is to command better education of health care professionals, expand health care, and inform patients about their rights to be alive. – Euthanasia is not about the right to die. It’s about the right to kill. OTHER RELIGIONS AGAINST EUTHANASIA: Roman Catholic Church: direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped sick or dying persons. IT IS MORALLY UNACCEPTABLE. Muslim: -All life is a gift Allah, so it is sacred and Muslim have a duty to respect it and submut to his will -Only ALLAH can choose when a life will end -The reason for any suffering will be known to Allah, there must be a reason for pain Jews: – Anything which shortens life is forbidden, only God could decided when a person’s life should end Hindu: -Euthanasia goes against the belief of Ahimsa (non-violence) Buddhist: -voluntary euthanasia is wrong, it shows that the person’s mind is in a bad state. Against Euthanasia Euthanasia  is: 1. â€Å"A quiet, painless death. †Ã‚  or 2. â€Å"The intentional putting to death of a person with an incurable or painful disease intended as an act of mercy. † BIBLICAL POINTS: -Euthanasia is considered MURDER One of the Ten Commandments is â€Å"Thou shall not kill† and life is a gift from God that should not be destroyed – God has given us life to live, and SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AWAY on purpose – God is in everyone and every living thing. If you harm a living thing, YOU ARE HARMING GOD. – Paul stated (1 Corinthians 6:19) that our bodies are temples of our Lord. In VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA, we should not destroy ourselves because our life contains God’s Holy Spirit – WHEN JOB WAS GOING THROUGH SUFFERING, he still refused to TAKE HIS OWN LIFE. He argues that we must accept the suffering as we accept happiness and joy. SUFFERING IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH. – No man dies unless God allows it (Job 2:6) Therefore, according to the Bible, a person SHOULD NOT be killed because of a certain condition they have. Although they WILL DIE, euthanasia should not take place. IT IS MURDER. Yes, God has planned that they will be terminally ill, and he knows when they will die. But only HE has the right to take their life, not doctors. OTHER POINTS: -the power to play with people’s lives should not be handed out under a legal and /or medical disguise. – it promotes abuse and gives doctors the right to urder. – doctors are people who we trust and cure us, but euthanasia gives them the opportunity to PLAY GOD -It’s not only Christians who are against euthanasia, but other religions too. (Musilim, Jews, Hindu, Buddhist) -UNBEARBLE PAIN- pain cannot be all eliminated, but killing is not the answer! The solution is to command better education of health care professionals, expand health care, and inform patients about their rights to be alive. – Euthanasia is not about the right to die. It’s about the right to kill. OTHER RELIGIONS AGAINST EUTHANASIA: Roman Catholic Church: direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped sick or dying persons. IT IS MORALLY UNACCEPTABLE. Muslim: -All life is a gift Allah, so it is sacred and Muslim have a duty to respect it and submut to his will -Only ALLAH can choose when a life will end -The reason for any suffering will be known to Allah, there must be a reason for pain Jews: – Anything which shortens life is forbidden, only God could decided when a person’s life should end Hindu: -Euthanasia goes against the belief of Ahimsa (non-violence) Buddhist: -voluntary euthanasia is wrong, it shows that the person’s mind is in a bad state.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Research Proposal Example The origin of the pathogen was traced back to the British soldiers who were returning from Asia. In Haiti, the earthquake in 2010 was a great turn of events (Farmer, 24). As the country recovered from the spoils, with the support of volunteers from all over the world, there was a cholera outbreak which infected more than 8000 people, leaving at least 5000 of them dead (Hogg, 65). It is interesting that the origin of the pathogen, even in the case of Haiti was not from within. The circumstances that led to the massive mortality are also similar. Although separated by more than one and a half centuries, the two tales have much in common (Nair, 49). This research seeks to establish a spatial relationship of the two cities, London in 1830 and Haiti in 2010 with the aim of making a spatial analysis of the conditions in the two cases that could have led to the outbreaks and inability to control them (Shah This will lead to a possible development of important lessons that can be learnt from the relationship and the comparison to enhance future responses. This research will be in the form of a spatial analysis. This being a qualitative study, the information will be obtained from the internet on cholera and its relationship with the geographical environment. This is likely to be obtained from medical websites such as WHO and CDC websites. Data is also to be obtained from news reports on the two cholera outbreaks and the relationship that exist in the two tales. Academic journal articles on the relationship between human geography and demographics on disease outbreak and control. These sources are most likely to provide both primary and secondary data for the research. This data will be analyzed systematically focusing on answering the research question. The analysis will compare the spatial characteristics of the two geographical locations and deduce a relationship that should be addressed. This is a

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


RUSSIAS'S GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION AND HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS - Term Paper Example ts to demonstrate how political corruption impacts the judiciary and individual human rights in a transitioning state by drawing on the details of the Yukos company trials. Gorbachev’s new Russian economy gave way to several conglomerates known as the Financial-Industrial Groups (FIGs).4 The FIGs were engaged in the privatizing the Soviet Union’s economy.5 The Menatep Group, founded by Mikhail Khodorkovsky was one of these business conglomerates.6 By the middle of the 1990s the Russian government made a decision to divest itself of its holdings in Yukos, an oil production company.7 Menatep obtained government approval for the purchase of Yukos and together with a number of commercial banks, individuals and companies placed a bid for 78 percent of Yokus’ shares.8 As a result of these efforts, Group Menatep which was controlled by Khodorkovsky was able to acquire Yukos for a sum equivalent to US$300M.9 By 1997, Menatep owned approximately 85 percent of Yukos’ share holdings.10 By the year 2001, Yukos had earned its place among the echelons of Russian oil industries as a giant, and was similarly recognized globally as a one of the world’s top private oil companies.11 With Mikhail Khodorkovsky at the helm, Yukos established a reputation for best global practices which included elements of transparency, efficiency, performance, valuable shareholdings and sound corporate governance.12 Political changes were taking place that would ultimately have a role to play in the Yukos trials that followed. When Vladamir Putin took office as Russia’s president successor to Boris Yeltsin, the colour of government-commercial relations would shift somewhat. Those changes would be reflected in Putin’s desire to restore the state’s power, despite his public manifestations of support for democratic evolution.13 Ultimately, Putin was predisposed to the adaptation of twin policies, the revival of the Russian economy and the strengthening of state power.14

Monday, August 26, 2019

Event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Event - Essay Example However, last year out of shear spontaneity and maybe a little convincing from my cousin I decided to go sky diving in San Diego. A decision I regretted until the moment I ignored the violent palpitations from my heart, took a deep breath, spread my arms and soured into the open air. The whole event began with me at home one day chatting with my cousin about what was the most daring thing we had ever done. The conversation was pointless and yet it was entertaining and stimulated our brain cells to relive the moments which we dared not revisit on a normal occasion. Some of them were a bit edited as embellishment is a part of every discussion between my cousin and I. As the darkness slowly took over we began to talk about things we thought we could never do and then sky diving came up. My cousin, who is daring in almost everything he does said that he would gladly skydive as long as I joined him. Many thoughts ran through my mind as these words entered my ears and my brain processed them. I reluctantly agreed hoping to hear the something along the lines of â€Å"I was just joking†, but it never came. Instead a date and location was set; San Diego the following Friday. On the day I remember waking up with many different thoughts in my mind, however, all them leaning towards the question, â€Å"Am I really going through with this?† My cousin on the other hand woke up with the excitement of a three year old at Christmas or a bride before the day of her wedding. Everything I did from then on was nervy, my hands were shaking, my appetite was missing and my breathing seemed like that of a person who was suffocating. From all the moments in my life, this was definitely one of the most memorable due to the butterflies that colonized my stomach. I was a prisoner of fear without the option or possibility to appeal. This hour of my life seemed to take place in days as I prolonged the inevitable and


ILLEGAL LOGGING & DISASTERS IN THE PHILIPPINES - Essay Example Humility and poverty are focused by Franciscan spirituality due to several reasons. They provide the means for understanding the real purpose of existence. Excessive material wealth leads to avarice, greed, and hatred which can cause the destruction of humanity. Thus the notion of believing in Christ helps an individual to contemplate about the Crucifixion and Resurrection. It helps the individual to recognize the unique creation of humanity that is entrusted with the task of creating a just and humane society. The Philippines is a great nation with a talented and productive workforce. It has natural resources that are being threatened by unscrupulous individuals who desire greed and profit. Illegal logging poses a serious threat to indigenous people and local habitats. It has the potential of creating natural disasters that increase misery and oppression. The goal of this paper is to apply Franciscan spiritual principles in the context of illegal logging and natural disasters in the country. It seeks to develop a collective response by focusing on the major principles of spirituality. Background Franciscan spirituality is based upon the notion of living a life that is filled with humility and poverty. It encourages the development of spirituality as the means to attaining eternal grace and union with God3. It embraces the notion of living as Christ because he is the symbol of divinity and humanity. His crucifixion enables the believer to contemplate about the changing environment. It creates an environment where success can be attained by recognizing the value of human life4. Spirituality means the application of moral principles that enable a human to live in harmony and balance with the external environment. Every action of humans must be Christian centric because ultimately it will be the criteria for success. The Philippines is a beautiful country with a hardworking and talented people5. It has numerous resources like natural habitats and environmental won ders. All of these resources are under threat from unscrupulous individuals who seek to destroy them for their own purposes. Illegal logging and natural disasters pose a threat to the integrity of the country. It is contrary to the natural values that embrace the notion of solidarity, peace, and harmony with the external environment. Franciscan spirituality advocates love for all human beings irrespective of their differences6. It embraces the notion of poverty as a means of fulfilling the covenant of Christ. It believes in the absolute supremacy of poverty because richness is really found in the spiritual domain. Application of Franciscan Spirituality Franciscan spirituality is derived from the Christian notion of perfection and sanctity because the believer is encouraged to achieve the ultimate dream of eternal union with the divine entity7. Hence it advocates the development of a spiritual framework that seeks to exert the believer to perform righteous actions to the utmost in or der to achieve sainthood. The Filipino people value the importance of sustainable living with the surrounding environment. This is because the natural environment provides food, shelter, growth, and sustenance. Hence it must be respected according to their natural values and norms. A recurrent theme of Franciscan spirituality is the emphasis towards modesty and destitution8. This is because materialistic possessions tend to create greed and avarice among

Sunday, August 25, 2019

African Short Story + Questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

African Short Story + Questions - Coursework Example At the end of the story, the young boy walks to the bend of the river and forces himself to vomit the handful of grapes he has consumed. This is symbolic of his loss of innocence with regard to the grandfather whom he has hitherto idolized and loved wholeheartedly. The dates, which the boy considers to rightfully belong to Masood, have been given to the boy by his grandfather. They have come to signify the payment of a debt. This leaves a bad taste in the sensitive boy’s mouth. He vomits the dates to distance himself from his grandfather’s actions. The boy, in the innocence of his youth, takes things at face value. He obviously adores and idolizes his grandfather, considering him to be a â€Å"giant† among men. His sense of identity is centered round the mosque and in relation to his grandfather – the approval of the imam and that of his grandfather are equally important to him. He is a lover of nature, and empathizes with Masood’s concern for the date trees. He is sympathetic to the poor man’s plight. The grandfather is an avaricious, ruthless man, whose rise in social position has been at the cost of his humanity. He is obviously a powerful man in the community. His hypocrisy is evident in his reciting of his prayers and his approval of his grandson’s knowledge of the Koran, while simultaneously holding Masood in the vice of debt. He considers land to be the symbol of power and determinedly covets the little Masood still owns. He is jealous of Masood’s inherited wealth. Masood is a man who loves the land which he has inherited. His concern for nature is evident in his admonition to the boy, â€Å"Be careful you dont cut the heart of the palm.† Despite being helpless to overcome the debt and poverty, he sings and laughs and takes delight in life. His attachment to his ancestral land is deep, and is not just in terms of material

Saturday, August 24, 2019


CASE MGT - 491 STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Essay Example This paper will discuss a new strategic human resource management plan for a middle size firm. The paper will discuss the new HR plan from the point of view of a Chief executive officer. The new plan will be aimed at ensuring the HRM department meets its strategic goals. The HRM will be expected to come up with minimum requirements for every position in the organization. The minimum requirements will be dictated by the roles and responsibilities for each role. This information will enable the HRM decide if the person in charge of a post is worth it. It will also be important during the hiring process since it will guide the hiring team on which candidate to choose. After coming up with the minimum requirements for each post, the HRM will develop a skills inventory which will gauge the worthiness of the current employees. The HRM department in close cooperation with the overall management will discuss the number of employees that the organization requires in each department. This will be guided by the trends in demand and supply as well as the current and future objectives of the organization. Once the number is determined, a hiring or firing plan will be established. Firing /retrenchment and hiring exercises will be based on department requirements and the qualifications of each employee/interviewee. Employee job satisfaction is important since it increases employee retention (Lawler & Boudreau, 2009). Factors such as technologies and organization cultures contribute in determining the level of employee job satisfaction. The company will invest in technologies proposed by the HRM. Moreover, the company will focus on creating a culture that values the employees. A culture of valuing employees increases productivity, invention and employee retention. All employees will be treated equally regardless of their diversities (Abang & Abang , 2009. The long-term goals of the organization will be used to determine the labor demands

Friday, August 23, 2019

Case report for Harvard Business School Case and solutions to problems Essay

Case report for Harvard Business School Case and solutions to problems in the case - Essay Example At times, there are different other factors apart from these budgeting methods, which should also be kept in mind while making decision. Because when we talk about investment there are two major components; return and risk. The budgeting method used in the cases will help the decision maker in critically analyzing all the available alternatives and choosing the best among them, so that they can achieve profitable cash flows in future. Investment is defined as present commitment of dollar for a specific tenure in order to generate future stream of cash flows which will be greater than current dollar amount1. The investor can be an individual, an organization, a government or a pension fund. In addition to this, investor expects a rate of return on the investment as compensation for the time for which they have made investment2. However, there might be some deviation from expected rate of return from certain investments and such deviation is known as investment risk. Therefore, where there is investment there is return and risk. Investment can be of two types; financial investment and economic investment. A financial investment refers to commitments in terms of monetary terms in order to generate better future cash flows which can be in a form of interest, premium, dividend etc. However, economic investment refers to making fund commitment which will result in increase of capital stock which includes goods and services. Furthermore, investors are looking for investment opportunities that will increase the current pool of funds in future. Hence, investment analysis refers to finding and opting for investment opportunity that will be giving highest rate of return and is having minimum risk. Thus, investors needs to evaluate all the available investment options and should come up with the best possible scenario3. Organizations encounter many investment opportunities but the main issue is opting and evaluating the options. Therefore,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How Businesses in Puerto Rico Are Using Social Networks Essay Example for Free

How Businesses in Puerto Rico Are Using Social Networks Essay Social Media Gives Industrial Companies Competitive Advantage, Says Thomas Industrial Network Report March 29, 2012 New York, NY Industrial companies that hesitate to embrace social media, believing that competitors are not using these platforms, are in danger of losing business opportunities, according to recent research from Thomas Industrial Network. In fact, seven out of 10 small and midsize suppliers (68 percent) are already engaging with prospects through these channels, gaining a competitive advantage over those who have yet to start. More than 3,000 respondents to Thomas surveys say that they routinely use social media to market their products and services, generate leads, answer questions, conduct research, and gain new business. Thomas studied the behaviors of suppliers (i.e., manufacturers and distributors) through its Industrial Marketer survey, and buyers through its Industrial Purchasing Barometer (IPB). The research focused on their use of platforms such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, industry forums, and blogs. The responses paint a picture of an industrial sector that has made social networking a mainstream business practice. Buyers regularly rely on social media to conduct research on companies, and to seek others opinions on particular suppliers. Indeed, 56 percent of buyers now recommend that all suppliers establish a social media presence if they want to do business with them. In response, suppliers are jumping onto the social media bandwagon to provide information on their offerings (41 percent), find new prospects (27 percent), and learn what customers have to say about their companies (20 percent). The industrial sector is awakening to the fact that social media isn t just a passing consumer fancy, but an essential part of any branding and marketing program, said Susan Orr, Senior Director, Strategic Marketing, Thomas Industrial Network. Savvy suppliers also understand that the most effective social media programs need constant care and feeding. To influence prospective buyers, suppliers need to continually update their social media content, and to be actively engaging in and initiating conversations. But for many industrial suppliers, dedicating the resources and having the in-house expertise to manage social media is a challenge. In response, Thomas Industrial Network recently launched a new, cost effective program to help them take advantage of this important new channel. The Social Media Program helps suppliers reach prospects who are seeking information and advice for their businesses through channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Blogs, Facebook and Google+. Thomas takes the work off their hands, handling everything from strategy sessions and goal setting, to writing and posting unique content for each company. We re thrilled to offer a turn-key and affordable program that leverages Thomas 115 years of experience bringing buyers and suppliers of industrial products and services together, said Phil Paranicas, Director of Digital Media, Thomas Industrial Network. We have made it easy for any supplier to participate in social networking, and to begin reaching and influencing those prospects who regularly use these platforms. For more information on Thomas Social Media Program, please contact Mr. Paranicas at 212- 629-2134 or [emailprotected] Thomas has also just published a new, free white paper, Why industrial businesses need to have a social media presence and how to get started, which includes additional results of its surveys, and provides social media best practices. To download a complimentary copy, please visit: About Thomas Industrial Network ® Thomas Industrial Network is an innovative information and technology company that helps industrial businesses to connect, collaborate and grow. We help companies to develop a complete web strategy, enabling them to share product data through all of their sales channels. As a result, we help industrial companies to increase sales, improve customer relationships and expand into new markets. One of our key offerings is, the premier website for product sourcing and supplier discovery and selection. We also provide strategic website development, tools and technology for industrial businesses to manage and share product and service data internally and externally. They include WebCAD publishing, and syndication of detailed product data to channel partners. Custom SPEC was designed for the unique needs of custom manufacturers. Additionally, we offer social media programs and search engine optimization services to help these businesses build brand awareness and generate leads. Our Navigator Platform is the hub through which we help our customers to manage their information. Our focus on the industrial sector for more than a century gives Thomas Industrial Network a unique perspective to anticipate and deliver new solutions that help industrial businesses grow. Visit us today to learn more. Home Supplier Search Product Search Product News CAD Drawings About Us SiteMaps Categories Featured Companies Featured Categories Featured Products Community Log In to MyThomas Sign Up for MyThomas Contact ThomasNet Provide Feedback Forums Careers Additional Resources Guides | White Papers Resources Press Room Testimonials FAQs Tools Gadgets Job Board Deal of the Day Promote Your Business Free Listing Advertising Services Log In to Client Center  © 2013 Thomas Publishing Company. All rights reserved. See Terms and Conditions or Privacy Statement. Website Last Modified January 31, 2013. Thomas Register ® and Thomas Regional ® are part of ThomasNet Is A Registered Trademark Of Thomas Publishing Company. 1/31/2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

High Housing Prices in Shanghai Essay Example for Free

High Housing Prices in Shanghai Essay The topic of my presentation is making analysis into three parts—current situation, cause and solution. The first part—current situation. Now, many experts still believe that housing prices continue to rise; just because of limited land. The range of rise in housing price exceeds the range of rise in resident income. It makes lots of low and middle-income people worried about their own houses. Housing revenue rate is increasing, so real estate plays an important role in the economy of Shanghai. The first cause isThe economy of Shanghai continuously rise and it makes real estate market prosperity and development. From this chart, we can find a trend—GDP in Shanghai increased every year. People have more and more money to invest. In addition, Chinese have a traditional view that buying houses is the best way to keeping value. The second point is huge profits. Along with the change of industrial structure, many people find real estate industry has huge profits in China. In China, its average profit rate is 69% and gross margin is as high as 55%. Huge profits attracted more businessmen and speculators. The third point isBanks have launched mortgage. Mortgage has brought a great hope to someone who can’t afford to buy a house. This table shows housing loans occupy very large proportion of personal consumption. And in 2004, the upward trend appeared, at the same time, Shanghai housing loans reached 244 billion Yuan. The forth point isPopulation movements. It is a common sense that Shanghai is an international city, citizens come from different places. The picture below tells us a mode of population movements. Demands are more than supplies which means population is becoming bigger and land is becoming limited. That’s why Shanghai housing prices will continue to rise. Next, The first solution is Low-rent Houses. The government should increase investment to support poor people. The low-rent housing can meet basic requirements for them. This method will solve the social problem due to high housing prices and enable social stability. The second solution is Strengthening supervision. Each functional department should crack down on illegal real estate developers and illegal development behaviors. Actually, the government should restrain overheat and high housing prices. The third solution is Revising and improving relevant laws and regulations. Laws and regulations will standardize the real estate industry and its market to eliminate the cause of huge profits. And it will also standardize housing prices and taxes. In this way, many illegal businessmen and speculators will be sued reasonably. The forth solution is Correct media publicity. Making correct investment guide for consumers to avoid invest huge money on real estate blindly. Absolutely, it is a best way to sound an alarm bell for illegal businessmen and speculators to make them awake. Finally, I will summary my essay. Real estate is the first-class important event in the common people life. High housing prices problem must be solved as soon as possible.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Harlem Renaissance And The Cotton Club Film Studies Essay

Harlem Renaissance And The Cotton Club Film Studies Essay Cotton Club as an example of Jazz scene during the Harlem Renaissance in the movie The Cotton Club by Francis Ford Coppola Even though the Harlem Renaissance ended almost 80 years ago and its timeline is almost the same as the prohibition, it still seems to have an incredible impact on American society and culture as such. What happened during those 13 years was a sort of revolution in every field of life in upper Manhattan. It would be almost impossible to name and enumerate every artist, musician, politician responsible for the Harlem Renaissance. What is the more important is the fact it was a moment in history when African American culture was able to express itself as separate from mainstream American culture of that time. Jazz became a powerful tool of defining Harlem identity; as Patrick Burke claims for African Americans interest in jazz was mixed with a desire to think and act differently. Harlem jazz musicians needed a place to practice and perform and the Cotton Club proved to play an important role in creating an atmosphere of artistic and intellectual growth during the jazz era, as depicted in the Cotton Club movie by Francis Ford Coppola. Francois Weil, the author of A History of New York, defines the Harlem Renaissance as the first African American movement in the modern history; the movement that influenced every aspect of cultural life, such as literature, music, art etc. Harlem in the 1920s was the place to be. It became what the Greenwich Village was in the downtown, mainly a place of cultural revival; an oasis to artist and intellectuals of all sorts. Harlems cultural revival at that time was called The New Negro Renaissance, a term that defined everything that was new, modern and exciting. The new movement was focused around black writers, like Zora Neale Hurston, Countee Cullen, Langston Hughes and jazz musicians, like Duke Ellington or Cab Calloway. In the 1920s, what was called Harlem stretched from 130th to 145th street, from Madison Avenue to Eighth Avenue. What became essential in Harlem Renaissance was the music; jazz, or rather ragtime as it should be called was one of the first examples of interaction between white and black music. Ragtime, as a genre was a combination of European and American influences. Its name comes from the ragged rhythm. Due to the prosperity of the 1920s, New York became the new capital of entertainment. Prohibition did not stop New Yorkers craze for nightlife, however, they had to search for fun somewhere else, in the speakeasies- illegal bars serving alcohol, mostly located in the basements. One of the most famous speakeasies was Onyx Club, which was a venue for both musicians and New Yorkers in search of fun and adventure. Patrick Burke, the author of Oasis of Swing, explains that what attracted both musicians and audience to that kind of places was the image of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ jazz as an authentic, immediate form of personal expression. Speakeasies were often located in private houses or in the basements of official clubs. There was a wide variety of speakeasies, ranging from the dà ©cor and the style to the clientele and the prices of alcohol. Most of them were located in the downtown. When the parties were over on Times Square after midnight, the night had just begun in Harlem. For those, who were craving for more adventurous nightlife, Harlem was the Promised Land; it was home for famous clubs like, just to mention some, The Cotton Club, Connies Inn and Small Paradise. The Cotton Club was the place where the greatest jazz musicians, like Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong or Cab Calloway, performed. Interestingly enough, The Cotton Club, was a place for white customers only. African Americans were allowed on the stage as performers, dancers, musicians but not as guests of the club. As Watson claims, the Cotton Club was the largest, featured the most extravagant shows, charged the highest prices, and most strictly enforced the color line. Strangely enough, thanks to its policy, the club was seen as one of the best places for white New Yorkers to be immersed into black culture. The Cotton Club attracted white clientele in many ways, for example by serving fancy food, the prices were unreasonably high, the dancers were young and pretty; it all created the atmosphere of a place for elites. In the heart of Harlem, The Cotton Club was a venue run by white owners for white audience. The Cotton Club was quite an extraordinary place where not only did white and black clash, but also other groups, like high and low classes, mob bosses and artist. Furthermore, the club was attracting its clients by the creating the sense of forbidden adventure. On top of that, illegal alcohol was just another factor that created the clubs myth. The Cotton Club movie was directed by Francis Ford Coppola in 1984. Coppola, whos regarded as one of the most important American filmmakers, had been renowned for Apocalypse Now and The Godfather trilogy. Growing up in New York, although he was born in Detroit but his family moved to New York when he was a child, he actually made the city something more than just a background for the stories he depicted in his movies, the city itself became the vital part of his movies, almost like another main character, for example in the Godfather, where he depicted the life of Italian tenants living in New York City. The Cotton Club was produced by his own studio, Zoetrope Studio, which meant for Coppola even greater financial responsibility in case the movie did not become an instant success. Not only did it fail in commercial sense, but also it did not meet the audience and the movie critics expectations. The story is set in Harlem, New York City, primarily in 1928. The main character is white cornet player, Michael Dwyer called Dixie, starred by Richard Gere, who incidentally saves Dutch Schulz, starred by James Remar, life and since then Dixies life changes completely. This night is a turning point for Dixie; at the same club where he rescues Dutch, he meets Vera Cicero, starred by Diane Lane, a woman he completely falls in love with. In addition, Vera turns out to be Dutchs mistress. Unfortunately, Dixie has no idea that the person he rescued is a mob boss, and this very fact makes Dixie mingled into the underground world of gangsters, bootleggers and speakeasies. As the story develops, other characters appear on the screen, for example Williamss brothers, two black tap dancers and this is the very first moment when the story moves into The Cotton Club. From now on, the lives of black and white characters are connected via the club itself. What strikes viewers attention most is segregation at the Cotton Club. The black performers are allowed to use only the backdoor, leaving the front door to white audience only. This fact is easily understood when it turns out that the owner of the club is white man, Owney Madden, starred by Bob Hoskins, who claims to be a businessman rather than a mobster and whose main concern is how much he can earn by selling illegal liquor at the club. Dixie takes the screening test and gets engaged in the movie industry, which means moving to Hollywood and leaving New York and his beloved Vera. He takes his chance, seeing this as an opportunity to escape from his problems with Dutch. Out of a sudden, Dixie becomes a movie star. Meanwhile, the mob war in Harlem starts. To make things worse, the prices of stocks crash on Wall Street. The Great Depression does not seem to affect Vera Cicero, who left by Dixie, opens her own night club, Veras Club, for whites only on Broadway. Out of the sudden, Dixie comes back from Hollywood as a celebrity, finding his brother Vinnie guilty of killing innocent children in the street. The stock market crash in 1929 and the mob wars in 1930 are presented to build the dark and gloomy atmosphere of inevitable doom. In other words, the good careless days of jazz age are over and what is about to happen is like a harsh wake up after an all-night party. Talking about black characters in the movie, they are presented as a sort of background for white main characters. There is another love affair in the movie, between black tap dancer, Dalbert, called Sandman, Williams, starred by ,Gregory Hines, and a singer, Lila, starred by Lonette McKee, whose tragedy is that she comes from a mixed background, of a white mother and black father, which makes her black for whites and white for blacks. Lila is a star at the Cotton Club, dreaming about career on a Broadway. Thanks to Vera Cicero, her dreams come true, as Lila is white enough to perform at the Veras Club. The black jazz scene in the Cotton Club is depicted in two ways. First of all, there are historic names, such as Duke Ellington or Cab Calloway and fictional names, such as Williams Brothers. As far as historic names are concerned, the jazz scene in the Cotton Club can be divided into two phases: The Duke Ellingtons era, till 1930, and Cab Calloways era, since 1931. The times when Cab was the host at the Cotton Club mark the line of a different sort of entertainment; the show was more varied, there were more dancers, feathers, the pace was faster, because the audience was more varied. 1931 is important in the movie for two reasons; first because it is a date when the concerts are broadcast live from Cotton Club, second, it is a time when black audience is allowed into the club. As far as fictional characters are concerned, the major black characters are two brothers, Clay and Dalbert Williams, who want to succeed at the Cotton Club as tap dancers. When they finally make it there, they start competing with each other and this rivalry leads to a split between them. The conflict is not an endless one and Williams brothers realize that what made them went separate ways is meaningless, and what really matters is the fact they are flesh and blood. The scene when sing and tap together to the Crazy Rhythm is one of the best scenes in the entire movie. In addition, the second best scene in the whole movie is a violent scene of Dutchs murder is accompanied by Sandmans tap dance in the background. The evening show at the Cotton Club is depicted in the movie as a sort of a variety show. The stage in the shape of a horse hoof is located right in the center, surrounded by the customers tables. First, there female dancers enter the stage; young and attractive black girls chosen to attract mostly the male clientele. At the back of the stage there is a black jazz band accompanying the dancers. Secondly, there is a ballet performance or a singer solo accompanied by the orchestra. Next there is a tap dance, like Williams brothers, who dance synchronically to the rhythm of the music. The club is presented as a meeting spot for celebrities as well, for example when Dixie meets Gloria Swanson, the movie star. The show changes pace so that the audience can talk eat and enjoy it without paying attention all the time to what is happening on the stage. The genre of this movie is a crime story combined with love story. The crime story part is most evident when at the beginning and the end of the movie when the Dutchs opponents try to kill him and when Dixies brother, who became a gangster, incidentally shots kids on the street. The love story part is the dangerous, erotic and highly emotional relationship between Vera Cicero and Dixie Dwyer, the best example is the passionate tango scene where Vera slaps Dixie, who slaps her back. Their romance has to be a secret; otherwise they would get killed by Dutch. This tension leads to the inevitable conflict between Dutch and Dixie, which is the climax of the story, hence the secret about the love affair is revealed. The Cotton Club movies strength lies in meticulous preparation to recreate the atmosphere of jazz age; as a matter of fact, the interior design and art deco details are impressive and take the viewers back to the famous club in the late 1920s.However, the movie has some flaws. First of all, it is not a tribute to black Harlem artists who were responsible for a cultural revival of that time. As Johnson points out, the movie of that title should be focused on indomitability of segregated black artists who were able to lose themselves in ecstasies of escapist jazz songs and dance. Secondly, the movie proves to be a crime story rather than a musical. Thirdly, black artists are displayed as minor characters, whereas all the glory and attention go to the white protagonists, especially white jazz musician Dixie Dwyer and femme fatale Vera Cicero. The Cotton Club as an example of a nightclub was responsible for cultural revival in Harlem. Even though being responsible for segregation in Harlem, the club proved to be the place where many talented artists could perform and become famous overnight. It was the ultimate place where white audience could become familiar with Afro-American culture, for example by listening to Duke Ellingtons orchestra play jazz in the club. Furthermore, The Cotton Club was more than a jazz club; it was a scene for tap dancers, performers, singers, and other artists to show broader audience their work. In this way, The Cotton Club might be called the meeting place of white New Yorkers and African-American Harlem residents. The Great Depression brought about the end of phenomena called the Harlem Renaissance. The majority of clubs were closed; significant artists abandoned Harlem and moved to other states or headed for Europe. The great cultural revival was over. In addition, the end of Harlem Renaissance is marked with the end of prohibition. The nightlife lost its seductive glamour; the speakeasies ceased to be the meeting spots. Stock market crash had a bigger impact on Harlem than anyone would expect; everything seemed to be falling apart. The Cotton Club and Connies In were open during the great depression. What changed was the number of white clients increasing. The repeal of prohibition seemed to have more impact on Harlem nightlife than the depression itself.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Sexual Education for Children Essay -- Sex Ed Education Essays

Sexual Education for Children Sex education materials for children more often serve to confuse than to inform. These materials generally present females as passive and males as active. The books describe heterosexual norms while ignoring the existence of homosexuality and bisexuality. Many books describe sexual intercourse as existing for the purpose of procreation only. Pictures and descriptions of this sex act more often mystify than inform. Finally, these materials target young children and assume that these children are incapable of understanding most elements of sex. Children can often understand far more than they are given credit for. Most materials offer descriptions of sexual intercourse as an act devoid of passion involving an active male partner and a passive female partner. Across publication dates, sexual education materials portray women as passive and men as active. Dr. Block’s Do-It-Yourself Human Sexuality Book portrays the girl as passive when she says â€Å"He’ll never leave me now† after she and the boy have sex (18). She has no active control over her life—rather, she waits to see whether or not the boy will stay or leave (Block, 18). In So That’s How I Was Born, the father explains that the â€Å"daddy puts his penis inside the†¦ vagina† (Brooks, 28). Thus, the man is the active partner while the woman is passive. Brooks further emphasizes that the woman’s passive role exists in all areas of life when, at the end of Brooks’ story, the boy’s mother satisfies stereotypes of docile women by speaking â€Å"softly† (28). Many of these authors further perpetuate stereotypical gender roles in their stories. In his book, Brooks shows the mother wearing an apron (25). In her book Mommy, Where Do Babies Come F... ..., far more conservative than those of some of the other, earlier works. The earliest works appear to be the most progressive. Is society adopting an increasingly restrictive and negative view of pre-marital sex, or is this merely a coincidence? Aside from these observations, it is difficult to make generalizations about the works according to dates of publication because there do not seem to be any other strong chronological trends. Sex education does not appear to be growing more comprehensive with time. Sex education books continue to omit crucial information. They confuse children, (and sometimes even teens,) with cryptic descriptions and diagrams. Feminine and masculine stereotypes, while not acknowledged in any constructive way, are strongly perpetuated. Sex education materials, such as those cited above, fail to provide comprehensive sex education.

John Wilkes Booth :: essays research papers fc

Without any question, most people have a very clear and distinct picture of John Wilkes Booth a in their minds. It is April 1865, the night president Lincoln decides to take a much-needed night off, to attend a stage play. Before anyone knows it a lunatic third-rate actor creeps into Lincoln's box at Ford's theater and kills the president. Leaping to the stage, he runs past a confused audience and flees into the night, only to suffer a coward’s death Selma asset some two weeks later. From the very moment that Booth pulled the trigger, the victors of the Civil War had a new enemy on their hands, and a good concept of whom they were dealing with. A close examination of the facts, however, paint a different view of Booth, a picture that is far less black and white, but a picture with many shades of gray. Perhaps, one of the most interesting things to note about Lincoln's killer was the president would have recognized him instantly, if he had just turned around. John Wilkes Booth was born in a log cabin just outside of Bel Air, Maryland May 10, 1838. His family consisted of his father Tunis Booth, mother Mary Ann Holmes; they would bear 10 children. The Booth name was known for acting from John's family. He is considered to be America's first great actor. John's most known brother Edwin was quick to follow in his father's footsteps. He often practiced in the yard and was ridiculed by John and this was the beginning of a bitter rivalry. Also the house was full of alcoholism and bouts of depression. The family was often without the father as his drinking and acting kept him away. He was often under the influence when he was on stage and displayed many attributes of his son but, John never seen his father on stage. His mother also had a dream of her son's future. It showed John meet ing a gypsy and he was told, " you'll die young... You've got in your hand a thundering crowd of enemies-not one friend-you'll make a bad end... You'll have a fast life-short, but a grand one." John knew this and it sometimes troubled him. Then in 1852, his dad died and John went to attend St. Timothy's Hall military school in Catonsville, Maryland. It was here that John showed his sympathy for the South when he led a revolt against the mostly northern faculty.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Hero Essay -- essays research papers

The Hero A hero is not just the title of an action-packed kung-fu flick with subtitles. A hero these days has many meanings; depending on the time and reason that person is called a hero. According to Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition becomes very broad. It starts as being â€Å"a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability† and becomes â€Å"a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities.† The last definition listed is probably the most modern of the many, being â€Å"an object of extreme admiration and devotion.† These definitions are in the same order as listed in the dictionary, but also seem to be chronologically listed as well, because overtime the meaning of the word hero adjust it’s self to the people using it. Thus, the definition of a hero changes parallel to the evolution of society, religion, and politics, in order to placate the desires of the people involved.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If we look back, over a thousand years ago before Christianity became the omnipotent religion of the West, we hear of stories of heroes being passed down orally from generation to generation. In â€Å"Beowulf† we have this invincible brute tearing the limbs off of hideous friend Grendel, all in the name of fame and glory. A few hundred years later, when â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight† was jotted down, we still have people being dismembered, but our character traits have changed a little. Sir Gawain is not the c...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Drug Testing Law

Laws for the test of employees or job applicants for drug or alcohol abuse have evoked the consciousness of many since its inception in 1986 when President Ronald Reagan signed an Executive Order 12564, that prohibited all federal employees to refrain themselves from using illegal drugs, as a condition of federal employment. And then two years later, Congress passed the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 which created federal Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing which was applied to executive agencies of the federal government, the uniformed services, and contractors or service providers under contract with the federal government.Although this Act was only applied to Federal governments yet states and Local Governments followed the suit.   There is no doubt of the fact that Drug and Alcohol abuse by employees creates loss of billions of dollars each year and gives a great set back to the economy as a whole yet from the employees point of view it is a sheer violation of their personal rights, and its misuse is a cause of humiliation to several prospective employees. It is moral duty of the employers to check the menace of drug edicts in the work place but this moral policing disrupts Kant’s theology of Categorical imperative.Internationally,   the of drug testing in work place is covered in a Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 12 whereby it is declared that â€Å"No one should be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy†.The 1996 ILO Code of Practice on Management of alcohol and drug-related issues declares that the testing should be undertaken in accordance to national laws and practice.  The Guiding Principles of this   testing, which is mentioned in the Annex V of the Code of Practice, clearly emphasis on workers rights, employers rights, public rights and individual rights.Infact even in 2003,   the International Labor Organization reported that , â€Å"Drug testing in the workplace is an issue beset with technical, legal and ethical controversies.†(Legal Testing In Work Place, Last Change On Tuesday, 31st October 2006.)Even the European Convention on Human Rights, adopted in 1950 to guarantees the right to privacy, except â€Å"in the interest of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder and crime, for the protection of health and morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others† .In the European Union, In the European Directive 89/391/EEC on the introduction of encouraging in improvements in the safety and health of workers at work, applies according to Article 6 that the employer have a duty ensuring the safety and health of workers in every aspect related to the work, with Art.6(5) exonerating the workers from liability for financial cost.  Even in Artical 11 states that â€Å"Employers shall consult workers and/or their representatives and allow them to take part in dis cussions on all questions relating to safety and health at work†.In different countries there are different patterns for drug testing in the work place. Only Finland (2003), Ireland (2005) and Norway (2005) reports clearly and specifically addresses the issue of drug testing in the workplace.   Nevertheless, for different countries, there are different patterns/differences are visible.Kant believes that human beings plays a very important role in creation. Just merely passing the law does not the justify the action. The ordering of the use of drug in workplace is a system that cannot persuade moral action or regarded as bases for moral judgments, In his ‘Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals' (1785) Kant gave us three versions of the Categorical Imperatives of all the moral commands are based:1. ‘Act as if the maxim of your action was to become through your will a universal law of nature.'In Christianity this simply means that ‘You treat others if you wan t others to treat you.' (Matthew 7:12). But the question arises how it is connected to Compulsory drug testing in work place? The reason is simple, the compulsory drug testing is itself a derogatory and you are treating others in humiliating manner.â€Å"'Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but at the same time as an end.'In this context it implies that drug testing is unfair, as the innocents who has never touched drugs all through the life have to face the testing which implies the test of urine. Humans are the most important factor in deciding what is moral or ethical and their suffering is never justified as a means to any end.3. ‘So act as if you were through your maxims a law-making member of a kingdom of ends'Before making or implementing any law, the rights of others should always be kept in mind. No one should involve himself or herself in Prisoner’s Dilemma i.e. n obody should just follow the selfish interests and others should also not become a puppet and gets stuck in the web of incredulous life.   The American Civil Liberties Union opposes indiscriminate urine testing (American Civil Liberties Union Briefing Paper Number 5 +—————————–+ DRU)The Kant theory says that human nature was fundamentally good and can understand and inherent in their character, the moral choices. It is immoral to take drug in Work places because it can be harmful to the company, but intruding into the privacy of the individual even if he or she is innocent which according to the company is an act of morality but amount to unethical behaviorAs the man was born in this world, he is carrying along generation to generation among others the characteristic or trait of what he called as Selfishness or selfish motive. And this trait is explicitly integrated in the theory Psychological egoism, which prop ounds that every person is in a possession of but one ultimate aim: her own welfare. All the activities that he does indirectly or directly are encircled around his or her own interest.   If you are doing something for your own sake that intricately involves your activity is benefiting yours and others and also must have desire to do the thing for your own sake.Desire is the most prerequisite thing for psychological egoism. If it is a desire to do certain things then the satisfaction of these desires is a part of your welfare. If I am helping others and here also your desire comes and is a part of welfare. In this case of drug testing, here the employers implies the drug testing for the welfare of others but it is his self interest or urge of profitability and maintaining morality in the work place that plays in the mind of the employers while imposing drug testing on employees. This is a law in itself but became a desire – a desire of employers.A bigger problem for psychol ogical egoism is that some behavior does not seem to be explained by self-regarding desires. Say a soldier throws himself on a grenade to prevent others from being killed. It does not seem that the soldier is pursuing his perceived self-interest. It is plausible that, if asked, the soldier would have said that he threw himself on the grenade because he wanted to save the lives of others or because it was his duty. While this law is encircled with lot of criticism, the psychological egoist implies that what employer is doing is right.Though he is pursuing his own self-interest then also it is advocated that what he is doing is good for the Society as a whole. But he might is taking away the right of job to the deserving or qualified candidate, it is also possible that though he must he taking drugs in the past but has recently put an end to it. In this situation, you are deriving his or her fundamental right to live.This psychological egoist indicates that companies should adopt the method or procedures by propagating the welfare and profit that is attached to this law, and then implemented with the self-interest of the company, explaining all the positive effects to the people.In-fact, the law states that you don't have to submit to drug testing if you don't want to. That's your right. But, the consequences might be the same if you failed to comply the drug testing, because then you will be considered guilty until you are proven innocent under the current program. Again, under municipal or state drug testing laws, an employer might have good cause to fire you, while potential employers might refuse to hire you.This drug testing may reduce drug-related problems, but it may not reduce the harm that the drugs caused in society. Indeed, this process increases the harm to those not deterred, by causing collateral harmful impacts on family members and others.Its desire impact on the Society is the decrease in employment opportunities for drug users, additionally it also creates economic problems for drug users and their families, and in turn the trauma that is caused due to unemployment again increases the chances of drug users towards more use of drugs to relieve from trauma and stress. For example, in 1990, 1.1 % of employed adults use the cocaine, whereas the rate for unemployed adults was 2.7%, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1991. Thus the removal of drug use from the work place may not reduce the number of problem users but may actually increase it.REFERANCES1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Legal status of drug testing in the workplace,;nNodeID=16901;sLanguageISO=EN, Last change: Tuesday, 31 October 20062.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Drug Testing in the Workplace, From the ‘Lectric Law Library's stacks,      Shaver Robert, (4th Nov. 2002), â€Å"Egoism†, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Infectious Diseases

The only means of recovery is rest and drinking a lot of fluids. Taking cold medications will only help relieve the symptoms. Hepatitis, Viral Hepatitis can either be acute or chronic. That means, it can either be a temporary illness, or it can be a permanent condition Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver ND other tissues.It can be caused by a viral Infection. The onset of hepatitis can also be caused by drug abuse or overexposure to a chemical The treatment for viral hepatitis, acute or chronic, is rest. Influenza Influenza, commonly known as â€Å"the flu,† Is also caused by a virus. Its symptoms are more severe than the common cold Influenza only needs to be treated with bed rest and fluids. Non-linctuses Diseases: Possible Causes Cancer Cancer Is caused by the transforming effect of carcinogens on normal cells.Characterized by the unrestrained growth of abnormal cells on or in tissues of the body. Treatment for cancer usually involves surgery and some form of radiati on therapy or chemotherapy. Coronary Heart Disease Coronary heart disease is the most common circulatory system disease. Damage to the heart is caused by reduced blood flow to the heart resulting from blocked or narrowing coronary arteries. Coronary heart disease usually goes unnoticed until chest pain is felt or a heart attack occurs.Its symptoms can be treated with drugs or surgery. Diabetes, Type I It is a disease of the pancreas in which insulin is not produced in the correct amounts so that glucose (sugar) can be converted into energy or stored as fat. Include excessive thirst and urination. Type I diabetes is mainly treated with regular insulin injections. Diabetes, Type II It is a disease of the pancreas in which insulin is not produced In the correct Type II diabetics are treated with a similar routine of diet and exercise.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Essay About Stereotyping Essay

Chimamanda Adichie uses the phrase â€Å"The Danger of a Single Story.† She states â€Å"it robs people of dignity. It makes our recognition of our equal humanity difficult. It emphasizes how we are different rather than how we are similar†. Adichie was referring to stereotyping or is what she calls â€Å"The Danger of a Single Story.† A single story is an oversimplified, usually pejorative, attitude people hold toward those outside one’s own experience who are different. Adichie says â€Å"The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.† When she stated that it brought me back to my childhood because I remember as a young African American girl growing up with a bunch of Caucasians. I used to get judged because I was black and many kids thought that I came from Africa and that I wasn’t smart or that I didn’t have the ability to read or write because I was African American. They were basically calling me dumb and were grouping all African Americans in that category and I just thought oh they were just joking around, but I came to realize that they weren’t joking. They were kids who were saying things that they have over heard about in their household or have been taught growing up. Stereotyping is still an issue in society today and I feel as though everyone stereotypes. There are many different viewpoints from every individual in the world from their race, background, gender, as well as their age groups. According to Joi Downing, stereotyping is formed many different ways and for many different reasons. Joi states that â€Å"stereotyping is formed to describe a person or to make judgments about a person.† She believes they are formed by social media and what people where taught when growing up. Downing says she doesn’t believe that they were formed in today’s time but that they have evolved from the past. She believes the only reason people stereotype is because that is how they were raised and/or they are just doing what they saw when they were growing up. She states â€Å"I’ve seen this happen in front of my ey es and I know  many people like this.† Downing has reasons and is certain that most people just stereotype because they see other people doing it so they do the same and then there are others who are just doing what they were taught. Although Anthony has the same views as Joi, they differ in many ways. Anthony argues that most people do not intentionally mean to pass judgment on people, however others do. He states â€Å"Personally, I think it is part of human nature to place things into categories. But, over time, we as people have learned how to classify people and things into certain groups depending on color, race, size, or economic stability.† He says that most people simply and innocently assume that due to similarities between individuals or things, they can be automatically categorized. Anthony states that â€Å"Sometimes we end up placing them into a category that has nothing to do with them, but because they seem to look or act similar to something, we automatically assume they are the same.† Anthony believes that everyone automatically stereotypes no matter what, but don’t mean to. Joi and Anthony have just about the same views on single stories, but their views are a little different in some aspects. Anthony argues that people do not intentionally mean to pass judgments on people, but Joi thinks a little differently. She believes that most people just stereotype because they see other people doing it, so they are intentionally meaning to judge or stereotype others. As Anthony being an older Caucasian male, he has different ways of looking at stereotyping than Joi being a young African American female. There are different viewpoints abut stereotyping from many races, age groups as well as gender.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Also, the firms that buy adhesive are often small firms and there appears to be no correlation with firm size and the amount of adhesive to buy, so devising a marketing plan with production numbers and targeting specific customers will be difficult. Although the systems division had designed both Bond-A-Matins, they doubted they had the capacity to quickly manufacture large quantities. Further, the systems division was worried that it would be overwhelmed with calls for help for the new dispenser.If the company launched Bond-A-Mantic and could not then adequately service or provide the product, the company's brand would be tarnished. 72% of purchasers from distributors and manufacturers said that technical service was important in their choice of instant adhesive supplier. Also, the current sales force may not be as interested In learning about and selling the Bond-A-Mantic as It does not traditionally sell equipment. But the bottom line is that a sales call for the sole purpose of s elling the Bond-A-Mantic Is not cost effective so only existing customers can be targeted through the sales force.Further, they may not have the time during the call to push the Bond-A-Metal or more importantly, it may get substituted. Should the product fall, the similarity of the name between Suborned and Bond-A-Metal may ruin the existing brand recognition. Also, Fox's advertising target Is an Industry group that currently uses less than 273501b of adhesive with total growth potential about 15. 2-18% In user establishments. And only 3% of users purchased directly from manufacturers and 2% of users purchased from distributors. So distributors would have to be convinced to stock Bond-A-Metal.Given the small size of the target market and revenue potential, the risks of launching the Bond-A-Metal far outweigh the potential benefits. Bon-a-Mantic By sandalwood Also, the current sales force may not be as interested in learning about and selling the Bond-A-Mantic as it does not traditio nally sell equipment. But the bottom line is that a sales call for the sole purpose of selling the Bond-A-Mantic is not cost hey may not have the time during the call to push the Bond-A-Mantic or more importantly, it may get substituted.Should the product fail, the similarity of the name between Suborned and Bond-A-Mantic may ruin the existing brand Also, Fox's advertising target is an industry group that currently uses less than 27,Bibb of adhesive with total growth potential about 15. 2-18% in user convinced to stock Bond-A-Mantic. Given the small size of the target market and revenue potential, the risks of launching the Bond-A-Mantic far outweigh the potential

Stem Cell Research- Using stem cells from Testes to produce Insulin Research Paper

Stem Cell - Using stem cells from Testes to produce Insulin for Type 1 Diabetics - Research Paper Example There are conventional treatments available but they do not cure the disease. Now, scientists have given some hopes to the disease stricken patients with a new type of treatment with the stem cells. Stem cells are found in different tissues. They develop and divide into many other types of cells especially in the early age. The self-reproductive stem cells serve to repair damage tissues. When a stem cell divides, it might remain the same type or becomes a specialized cell e.g. a brain cell. Until 2006, Scientists were mostly working with â€Å"embryonic stem cells† and â€Å"Somatic or Adult stem cell†. Now they have learned to alter special cells genetically and use them for special purposes as a stem cell. The regenerative property of a stem cell opens new venues to explore and may find permanent cure for diseases like diabetes. Recent research at Georgetown University shows that stem cells from human testicles, which produce sperms, can be genetically programmed to p roduce insulin by transplanting into the human body. Clinical experiments indicate a lower amount of insulin produced by this method and researchers are pondering to find a way to bring it to a required level. Just like any other transplant, if the organ is donated by someone else, body takes it as a foreign intruder in the system. The immune system immediately tries to stop it from proper functioning. To reverse the process, a patient has to take immune-suppress medication for the rest of the life. In an effort to offer resistance to the newly implanted cell, immune system destroys the original beta cells. Since cells that are being transplanted, are extracted from the same person so the body does not perceive them as foreign agents. After removing cells from testes, also called spermatogonial cells, placed in a specially designed media where they are chemically changed to produce insulin like beta cells. In other research programs, Induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs), artificia lly derived from Adult cells and changed by inducing forced genes and proteins to act similar to embryonic stem cells. Thr artificial method to program IPSCs, pose serious threats to introduce cancerous tissues in the body. But the new research in 2008 indicates the possibilities of stem cells in curing diseases. Scientists have disclosed a technique to separate the oncogene, largely cause cancer, from pluripotent cells after their transplantation. A new approach, yet to test on humans, of generating IPSCs cells by injecting proteins might be suitable for therapeutic use. Adopting this new technique eradicate the need of genetic alteration. The ongoing research at Georgetown University focuses on finding a treatment for type-1 diabetes in which cells are persuaded to function like IPSCs. The threat of tumor ‘teratomas’, may destroy the newly formed insulin cells. Another concern is the elimination of alpha cells which produces ‘glucagon’ with the beata cell s. Glucagon becomes active when the sugar level drops to a certain level and may cause death. In order to find a commplete remedy from Type-1 diabetes, researchers are looking towards a readily available source of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs). SSCs are derived from testicles and not required to add new genes. These cells show similar characteristics to that of beta islet cells. The scientists successful in lowering the glucose level after planting these cells into diabetic mice, showing that enough insulin is

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Make vs Buy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Make vs Buy - Assignment Example The restaurant is intended to sell diverse products, which include buffet, pizza, soup, sauces and desserts. In addition, the restaurant will have a self-service soda bar. Although there are other companies such as McDonalds serving the area, the prices of their products are not affordable to most people in Florida. Moreover, these companies do not have physical locations in the area but rely on suppliers. This means that Papa Geo has the potential of competing effectively in the market and possibly gaining competitive advantage (Jeffries & McGrath, 2008). The fact that the products of the company are rare in the market consequently highly demand makes the company more competitive. This will ensure that the company records high sales volume. Moreover, the company will register high sales volume because they produce variety, which gives consumers the ability and freedom of choice. Finally, the company strategy is effective because it attracts children too, which will boost sales since it will be assumed to a family restaurant (Jeffries & McGrath, 2008). The offers given by financial lending institution will be enough in setting up the business and repayment period is reasonable, which will grant the owner the opportunity to repay comfortably. Therefore, the business can be set up but it requires effective analysis and forecasting due to uncertainties in the business environment. Proper financial budgetary planning is fundamental in achieving the company’s strategy. Sale forecast forms the most critical part of this budget proposal because, it is through proper and accurate forecasts in sales that the entrepreneur would be able to determine the amount to repay either in monthly or annual basis. The above sales forecasts are made with the assumptions that one unit in the company goes at $7, and each individual in the 15-minute area purchases one unit

Monday, August 12, 2019

I.T and society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

I.T and society - Essay Example I hope to explore these themes in a way that transcends the terms of the well-known debates over the normative and historical ramifications of the late Weber's theorizing of charisma and Fuhrerdemokratie. (Feldman, 2005, 60) However, what must be addressed in the course of this analysis is the fact that Lukacs and Schmitt themselves -- each in their own way, to be sure -- endorsed twentienth-century political mythologies that most vigorously championed political will: left- and right-wing authoritarianism in the forms of, respectively, Soviet Communism and National Socialism. In Weber the neutrality and technological innovation does not however prevent the emergence of a prejudiced disposition over historical specificity: that is, the melancholy of the conclusion of The Protestant Ethic and the "Science" lecture which fuels the call for responsible personal stands in the "Politics" and "Parliament and Government" lectures. Lukacs's early writings betray a similar lament over, and desire to actively transcend, the alienation brought on by a rationalized modernity. In this regard he frequently' exhibits an existential pathos derived often explicitly from Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Dostoyevsky. (Portis, 1990, 759) In both works the phenomenon of rationalization is... As Schmitt observes its influence is nearly all-pervasive: "In almost every discussion one can recognize the extent to which the methodology of the natural-technical sciences dominates contemporary thinking". But again he now attributes the genesis of this rationality to a Marxian category and no longer a Weberian one: "The modern modes of thought already eroded by the reifying effects of the dominant commodity form" encourages purely "quantitative" analyses of society and not "qualitative" ones ((Feldman, 2005, 60)). Its common ground is a concept of nature that has found its realization in a world transformed by technology and industry. Nature appears today as the polar antithesis of the mechanistic world of big cities whose stone, iron and glass structures lie on the face of the earth like colossal Cubist creations. The antithesis of this empire of technology is nature untouched by civilization, wild and barbarian -- a reservation into which "man with his affliction does not set foot." (Feldman, 2005, 60) The old gods rise from their graves and fight their old battles once again, but now disenchanted and now, as should be added, with new means of struggle which are no longer mere weapons but terrifying means of annihilation and extermination -- dreadful products of value-free science and the industrialism and technology that it serves. What is for one the devil is for the other the god. That the old gods have become disenchanted and become merely accepted values makes the conflict specter-like and the antagonists hopelessly polemical. References Chekki, Dan A. Western Sociologists on Indian Society: Marx, Spencer, Weber, Durkheim, Pareto. Social Forces, Mar81, Vol. 59 Issue 3, p848-849 Feldman, Leonard. Max Weber's

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Jews of Spain relationship with Islamic and Arabic Culture Assignment - 1

Jews of Spain relationship with Islamic and Arabic Culture - Assignment Example Ladino was a romantic language that borrowed much from Judeo-Catalan, Hebrew, and Old Castilian. However, Jews in Spain currently uses Spanish as their language. The adoption of the Arabic culture by the Spanish Jewish started in the twelfth century when Almohades seized the southern parts of the Spain. He gave three choices to the Jews in Spain: death, flee or adopt the Arabic culture. Some of the Arabic cultural practices that Spanish Jews adopted include using of the last name. Jews were renowned of using their first name, their fathers’ name, or even their tribal name but with adoption of the Arabic culture, they were compelled to use the last name. The Spanish Jews adopted washing of legs and hands before entering the synagogue just as the Muslims do; they also adopted Arabic tunes for their sacred songs (Attig 832). In addition, the Arabic rule made the Spanish Jews to shift from their native languages such as Hebrews and Aramaic to Arabic language. The loss of the Jewish language led to extinction of the central literary works that was a characteristic of the Jewish culture. Examples of the Jewish literary works are poetry, Torah, Mishnah, liturgy, and Midrash (Corrà © 172). Moreover, the wide spread of the Arabic language resulted into Bible translation into Arabic. Consequently, Jews shifted from their traditional habit of being religious to secular. Furthermore, the Spanish Jews adopted the court system of settling disputes. Additionally, Jews of Spain accepted the Arabic traditions and customs including clothing in their daily routine (Corrà © 172). Jewish of Spain never lost hope of their culture, however, they took advantage of the Islamic rule to revive their culture by collaborating with them. The Spanish Jews struck an agreement with the Islamic rulers so that they could exercise their religion and culture. This agreement came at a cost because they had to a pay a special tax called jizya. Therefore, they enjoyed

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Assignment 4 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

4 - Assignment Example They are in the initial stage of their relationship as they were afraid and shy when they were having their eye contact. It might be their first or at the most second date. And the non verbal cues which led me to conclude this is their feeling of shyness and their reluctance in touching each other. Having a job is not an easy thing in anyone’s life. Nonetheless, everyone can a job, though might not be the job which he or she is looking for. It is difficult to find a job which will you give an optimum level of job satisfaction and with which you would be happy. Therefore job is majorly a luck event, with which you could win or lose. In order to find out whether I am satisfied with the job or not, I took the Burnout Quiz. The results of the quiz said that I am at medium job satisfaction. And I completely agree with the results, as I am happy with what I am doing in my job and I like my job. However, the only thing with which I am dis-satisfied is that the manager does not show any respect to us i.e. the employees junior to him. Infact, this pressure is now soaring with budget issues and layoffs looming. The results of the quiz also suggest that I can make some changes which will help me to experience some more job satisfaction like clear job requirement, better compensation, and more time off. I feel that the most important reason for my not enjoying job satisfaction is that, I have a low level of life style balance, as I don’t really have a sufficient amount of time to do whatever I want to do. As the results of the quiz suggests, I have decided to ask my manager to give me clearer job requirement, enhanced and better reward, and I will also start taking some time off and I my life with my family. In conclusion, this job assessment helped me to be aware of many things in my life which I was not concerned about. Firstly, I was not giving any importance to my time and life balance. And with the help of this assessment I came to know that having life style

Friday, August 9, 2019

Discussing Ways of Dealing with Stress Term Paper

Discussing Ways of Dealing with Stress - Term Paper Example At the age of 18, I started working as a paraprofessional at a public high school, and was the youngest among the employees. I was energetic and enthusiastic, and assisted other teachers in the special education department. Dealing with different departments, different clients and different situations led to a lot of stress causing severe burnout. This was when I realized I had to communicate this to my supervisor. (Hughes & Wearing, 1996). Being the youngest and more knowledgeable than the other paraprofessionals, my supervisor involved me in most of the discussions, and all difficult-to-handle situations were assigned to me. I realized that the other paraprofessionals hardly had clients to deal with, either due to lack of training or lack of expertise. My discussion with the supervisor involved different ways to deal with the stress I faced; this resulted in a decision to have meetings between the professionals and paraprofessionals atleast once a week, which allowed us to discuss about the cases; this exercise was meant to improve knowledge and confidence levels in the other paraprofessionals .(Faberow, 1999). Better communication and good supervisory arrangements proved to be important to deal with stress. Sharing knowledge, keeping the entire team updated on the new developments regarding the clients, listening to their view points, and responding to what they had to say helped us in better understanding of the cases. This also led to equal division of work within the team. These steps helped me in reducing stress that was caused due to heavy workload. Better supervisory guidance also helped in handling cases with potential threat of physical or verbal abuse to the workers with much more confidence. These were the basic and important practices used in managing stress as they reduced the workload with the assistance of other professional human service

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Issues in Film History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Issues in Film History - Essay Example Issues in Film History Filmography, just as any other art of entertainment, depended on the existing models to sustain the production processes with the aim of producing high quality and relevant films as well as motion pictures. The development of the Edison motion picture and its database reveals just how the progress was. The achievements in the film industry have undergone through a series of sophisticated transformations (Johnson, 2002). This period was characterized by the production of low budget films which were characterized by poor quality. These productions were mainly showcased in theatres for entertainment without any pedagogical purposes. From the analysis of early film producers such as Edwin S porter, it becomes evident that the use of motion pictures as a means of entertainment had previously been existent prior to the nineteenth century. Various films have showcased the progress that has been made in the film industry (Cook, 1991). Back then, producers used magic lanterns and other projec tion devices to relay their pictures on the walls for their audiences. The absence of the modern day camera and editing computer software forced most of the producers to rely on brief single shots of their scenes. In fact, they relied entirely on the sequencing of the films to tell their stories through pictures. This production technique was tiring and discouraged the participation of numerous producers thus resulted in a less appealing industry unlike the modern day’s film industry. ... Porter understood that besides the entertaining aspects of the films, they also communicated ideas to their audience. For his movie to gain relevance among the target audience, therefore, he wrote a simple storyline which addressed familiar themes. Despite the progressive development of the motion picture as a means of entertainment, this aspect of the art has not changed. Works of art communicate to their audience. Consequently, artists are compelled to make productions that are of relevance to their target audience. Porter’s film followed a simple story line in which highway robbers hijacked a train wagon to steal from the passengers. To this day, the twelve minute film is considered the greatest production of the time and a milestone in production. Back then, the only known means of transport was the train; it linked towns and states. The train was the only means of transport that guaranteed the reliability of the modern day planes. However, instances of hijackings and othe r on voyage robberies were rampant. Porter’s film is motivated by the rampant robberies and other uncertainties associated with the journey. As the industry develops through time, other producers of film retain the desire to stay relevant to their audience’s expectations and the only way of achieving this is by developing films that follow familiar themes. However, others stretch the imagination of their audiences but they always provide a connection between the current societies to the imagined setting in their films (Geuens, 2000). A number of factors which include the complexity of the story line and the available means of production influences the timing of films. The Great Train Robbery lasted twelve

Segmentation and Consumer and business buying behavior Coursework

Segmentation and Consumer and business buying behavior - Coursework Example Furthermore, these children have an access to computers and the internet, and on this basis, they can download these games from the site of the company. Some schools also have a curriculum that aim at teaching students some computer programs, and this includes computer games. These schools are also a target, mainly because the games under consideration can also be used to teach students on how to operate computer software. One of the consumer products that was specifically targeted to me is Nokia Lumia. This phone is developed through the android technology, and contains social networking sites such as twitter and face book. On this basis, this phone had the capability of satisfying my needs, mainly because I use phones to access the social network sites and the internet. The segmentation strategy used in marketing this product is behavioral. This is because Nokia realized that most people love surfing the internet using mobile phones, hence coming up with a phone that contains social media and with the capability of surfing the internet (Aaker, 16). Another consumer product that was tailored for my need is a designer watch, manufactured by RGM. This watch was designed in a manner that it reflected the current popular fashion, as it was golden in nature, and very attractive to look at. The segmentation strategy used to market this product is the psycho-demographic segmentation. This segmentation process focuses on culture while developing the marketing

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Augustines Confession Today Essay Example for Free

Augustines Confession Today Essay In my opinion I feel as if Augustines Confessions is still very much relevant and timeless in todays world in the aspect of religion and spirituality, morality, and love. In Confessions Augustine undergoes a transition from his original view on religion to a different view. He begins to be cautious of sin in his life and in the lives of those around him. Most of all, Confessions helps in understanding the Journey of man in his search for a more spiritual connection, the struggles they may be faced with, and he right path to be chosen, which is a struggle that many can relate to today. When looking at this in Confessions you see in Book VIII, Augustine tells us of his transition to Christianity. He describes how he was able to overcome his struggle with his internal battles and become a follower of Christ. Augustine describes his struggle as having two wills, one carnal, one spiritual, were in conflict with one and other. Augustines is having an internal battle between his pleasure seeking side and his spiritual side. The quote This was the controversy raging in my heart, a controversy about myself, against myself is where Augustine recognizes this internal conflict between his good and bad side. This is when he embraces Christianity. This statement is relevant today in many ways. The statement does not Just apply to religion. In life in general, there will always be internal battles that you will have to face. Whatever it may be, you will have to decide what the right path to take it is and this will be what defines you as a person. During Augustines Journey you notice in ook VI of Confessions that Augustine is struggling with his feelings on sex, women, and love. He begins his spiritual Journey and has to change his perspective from being a young man that has an overwhelming desire for sex and women to a lifestyle that is in compliance with the church. This means that he can only have sexual relations within the confines of marriage. Augustine comments on his struggle with this as he describes himself as a slave for lust. After he sends his mistress away he says: And so, since I was not a lover of wedlock so much as a slave of lust, I procured nother mistressnot a wife, of course. Thus in bondage to a lasting habit, the disease of my soul might be nursed up and kept in its vigor or even increased until it reached the realm of matrimony. Nor indeed was the wound healed that had been caused by cutting away my former mistress; only it ceased to burn and throb, and began to fester, and was more dangerous because it was less painful. Augustine uses words such as wound, bondage, and disease of my soul suggesting that Augustine sees this as a bad habit that needs to be fixed. In book VI you can see that is thoughts on women and love are pushing towards the churchs thoughts on it. Yet, his body is still struggling with this his lustful desires. After reading Confessions you can see what the Augustine goes through in order to achieve his goals of spirituality. As well as through his first-person narratives you gain an understanding as to what may lead to conversion and the path towards spirituality. Through reason and the strength to overcome the struggles with internal battles, such as morality and lust, the Journey can be completed. Augustines Confession Today By savannahr87

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The lost Boy by Dave Pelzer Essay Example for Free

The lost Boy by Dave Pelzer Essay Dave Peltzer the author of The Lost Boy tells his story from the time he left his abusive mother and alcoholic father, through his experiences in five foster homes and juvenile detention, and how he eventually made it into the Air Force. He was a defiant, rebellious boy who, despite his background and personality, managed to endear himself to many guardians, social workers, and teachers. Pelzer writes in an honest, sometimes rambling, style; he is never bitter, and his story will find many sympathetic readers. The main purpose for Dave to write this book is to show at what lengths children and adolescents have gone to over come the unmentionable hardships of and abusive family. The three most valuable things I have learned from this book are very hard to choose. The book was full of many things to help me in my everyday life. Ranging from how to deal with kids who have be through abusive situations to how kids of abuse act in general. The first one has to be, Dave was very tactful in how he handled his thoughts and feelings. Many children his age are running around chasing girls and hanging with the guys. Not him he was studying hard and trying to be better than his parents were. He would always squander away what he had, so no one could take what was rightfully his and that includes his life. The second thing that was useful was how Dave was never angry with his situation he would just look at it as another challenge. Many times through out the book Dave would have to change foster homes after being fairly settled in the way of living there. Most teens his age cant handle a great deal of change but Dave would just go with the flow and never bat an eye lash. The third most valuable thing has to be his willingness to help. I would think that since no one would help him he would not help anyone else. On the contrary, Dave was always helping with chores, making dinner, and doing little extra things he didnt have to do. I later found out through reading the book that Daves willingness to help stems from his need to feel loved and wanted. I can honestly say that I could never have gone through the painstaking trials and tribulations Dave went though while he was in his teen yes. It take a special person to do that and Dave is that special person. PARENTING TECHNIQUES Daves mother was a very troubled woman who for some unknown reason liked to target Dave and blame him for any and all bad things that happened. His mother was and Authoritative and neglectful at the same time. Some may say how can one parent be on both extremes of things but there are  a few instance with in the book which shows both. For example Daves mother would make him do all the chores and never was aloud to play. For some reason even if Dave finished what he was told to do in the time he was told to do it he would not be fed or worse he would be part of his mother Games and Test. His mothers Games and Tests range from putting him in freezing cold water for 5 hours at a time to making him sit on the garage steps with his hands under his bottom head strait a head for up to 36 hours at a time no food, bathroom, shower or other needs to live. Dave was saved from this horror when he was 15 but he was in foster care and the parenting techniques ranged from authoritarian to indulgent, but anything was better than what he had endured at his mothers house. DELINQUENCY Dave in his teen years was for the most part a very well behaved boy. He was working hard in school and kept to himself for the most part. Although Dave did have a small problem he like to take things with out asking or stealing. Daves stealing habits stem from his basic survival needs that he instinctively put up when his mother would make him go with out food, water, and basic sanitation. Dave at times would also lash out at his foster families so that they would not get to close to him. In some cases when Dave would lash out he would be put into another foster home and have to readjust to things again. Dave usually liked to lash out he thought he didnt need anyone just himself. He could handle himself since he could handle his mother Games and Tests. Daves delinquent actions are fairly normal of abused and neglected teens.  Dave was also just being a normal teen trying find himself in a world that had not found him for almost 12 years. DEPRESSION Dave did have a great deal of depression in his life. He would think why does my mother treat me like I am a piece of *censored*? Daves depression stemmed from he long ours of being with himself. He had many hours, day, months, and years to think about what he had done. His mother made him out to be an evil unwanted child who was worthless. Dave thought the main reason his mother didnt like him and his father wouldnt talk to him any more that he had failed as a son. Not till Dave was in foster care and his foster parents brought him to a therapist did Dave realize what had happened to him was to his fault and Dave was a normal boy. His mother was suffering from alcoholism and manic depression and her outlasted were targeted at him cause he was his fathers pride and joy. His father ignored him to please his wife (Daves mother). His father  also started drinking to drowned his sorrows. SUICIDE You would think that since Dave was so brutally abused and his own mother stabbed him almos t to death with out even drinking him to the hospital he would have wanted even once to kill himself. I know that if anyone did anything like Daves mother did to me and I had to change homes 7 different times and had kids picking on me cause I smelled or I didnt have a real mom or dad I would want to kill myself. Not Dave, he only worked harder to live and please anyone including his mother so that in hopes she would stop this unlawful actions against him. Not once did Dave even want to end his life instead of thinking negatively he would say When I get older and out of here, I will be a better man I will be the man my father once was. Dave during his time at his mothers house always held his dad on a pedestal. No mater what happened Daves dad was Superman to him. Dave would think of flying away with his dad to a better place where he would be a person not just a Child called It (Peltzers first book). Dave also vowed that if her were to kill himself that he would only be surrendering to him mothers wishes and even though he tired to please his mother that is the one thing he would no t let her have was his well deserved life. ANOREXIA-BULIMIA NERVOSA The way Daves mother treated him is shocking. There was one way that Daves mother had complete control over him and that was what he could and couldnt eat. Most of the time Dave was not permitted to eat. When Dave went to school he would steal other kids lunches so that he could eat food that was not spoiled. Dave did get in trouble for this sever times. After the third time Daves mother made him run home faster than all the other children and vomit in to the toilet to see if he had stolen. Daves mother would some make him eat rotten pork and chicken one every 3 weeks that is the only food he would get and if Dave purged he would have another Game and Test to do for his mother. Dave had become so good at hiding what he had ate that he would vomit before he left school so that he could at least enjoy his home or at least what home he had. Dave at times would try to steal food that his brothers didnt eat but if he was caught he would have to go in the tub of ice water or deal with the pneumonia and bleach combination in the bathroom with no ventilation. When Dave made is way out of his mother house into foster care. Dave would try to salvage food so that if by chance the foster family would not let him eat he would be able to have food. If Dave was caught with the food he had  taken and his foster family went to talk to him he would go to the bathroom and vomit so that he would please them. I feel Dave Peltzer has been through an unimaginable childhood and adolescent li fe. I think the book is a heart felt story of a boys struggle for acceptance and aiming to please those around him. I feel if anyone can over come what Dave has over come that what he tells is accurate in the most scary way possible. Scary in a sense that anyone could handle such hard ships and still be alive to tell about it. Dave was stabbed, poisoned, neglected, beaten, uprooted from him home at age 15, bounced from foster home to foster home without having a real place to call home. I think that this book addressed the real things that happen to a child of abuse. For there initial home life to the bounce from foster care home to home. The real issue in the book that child abuse is everywhere in every degree. Some are hidden ways such as verbal and some are so extreme that a child has no where to turn but to the abuse itself. This book more than anyone could imagine my anticipations and expectations were met 120%. The book was very descriptive and helpful on how to deal with teens in crisis. I would recommend this book and Dave Peltzers other two books. The main reason is that the book describes Daves journey to find acceptance and a place to call home really touched my soul. The tears I cry for all the kids out there that need a voice to be heard. Mrs. Gold is God send She was Daves social worker she took the time to understand Daves story and be his voice for him. We need more people in the Human Services field like the ones who have helped Dave in his journey. This book is a good book for people who work in any type of Human Service job such as a YMCA or a foster family just to show at what lengths kids will go to be safe and saved.