Sunday, February 16, 2020

How To Be Idle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How To Be Idle - Essay Example Individual benefits can easily come from having an early evening drink, meditating, and rambling about aimlessly. While societal benefits may be more easily found in savoring the mid-day meal, leisurely naps, and conversing with people. Though touting the benefits of alcohol may start rumors of alcoholism, it can have benefits physically and figuratively. The evening drink marks the end of the work day. All the frustration, endless reports, and endless traffic now become a distant memory against the backdrop of cheerful conversation and the promise of a relaxing evening. Hodgkinson likens this to a transformation into Buddhism, where thoughts of past or future cease and only the present remains. He paints the picture rather well that it is at this time that people become their â€Å"own master's once more† broken free from the chains of â€Å"wage slavery† (113). It is true that there are those who would take this evening drink and continue into a stupor, but that would be missing the point. The point is to become reinvigorated, not comatose. Achieving a balance of working hard while still pursuing other interests in life including daydreaming is important for people if the goal is quality of life. Hodgkinson suggests using general moments of idleness to meditate, or simply day dream such as waiting for a friend, or bus or while being stuck in a traffic jam (228) . Meditation is world renown as being a soothing exercise to de-stress, and clear one's mind. This helps people to realign themselves with what is really important in life and releases them from that feeling of bondage that the modern trappings of consumerism and debt can have. Some promise that alternative lifestyles will help to free oneself from the feeling of bondage, but consequently they only offer an â€Å"alternative set of rules† that have their own complications (Hodgkinson 228). Of course, it is difficult to ignore the honking of cars and the endless dribble of half hear d conversations, but it is achievable and certainly admirable in the attempt. Walking around aimlessly was once the sole right of the elderly, but no longer. Granted it is not a requirement to be without a destination when rambling, but it is crucial not be fixated on it. Take in the sights. Smell the roses, so to speak. Be a loafer. It is amazing what a person can find when not looking. In truth, rambling is another form of meditation. It is meant to gain appreciation and wonder for everyday scenes like a leaf falling from a tree or the way the clouds move with an oncoming storm. Henry Thoreau said that it is easy â€Å"to become a slave driver of yourself† (qtd. in Hodgkinson 228). Rambling is a way of unlocking the chains of slavery that we have placed on ourselves much like the evening drink unchains us from the bondage of the work place. There was once a time when the mid-day meal meant something in society other than just an energy boost to employees so they can keep sl ugging away at the office or factory. It was a chance to get shade from the sun, catch up with friends, and take a leisurely nap. In short, it was a real energy boost. Right now in most western countries it is simply a legal obligation on behalf of the boss. Otherwise, it seems doubtful a person would ever see it. The average Joe looks forward to lunch all morning only to barely get enough time to eat it.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Race And Ethnicity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Race And Ethnicity - Essay Example The Act and its subsequent amendments offer protection regardless of whether an individual propagates racism deliberately or not in the society (Tonry, 1998: 49). However, racial discrimination persists in British society a situation that has resulted to serious social crisis in the country. Access to medical services is one sector where racism and racial discrimination is prevalent in Britain. Findings from research study conducted by Smedley (2001) established that people from minority groups in United Kingdom experience worse health than those from the majority group. (Smedley, 2001: 25). Though there are various opinions regarding these findings, noted that the minority groups experienced many socioeconomic challenges that undermined their access to medical care. In health sector, Smedley, (2001) argues that perceptions attributed to the biological and cultural differences of the minority groups undermine their accessibility to health in Britain (Smedley, 2001: 37). These percept ions are usually used to justify unfair medical attention in health care institutions across the country. The study established that these negative perceptions prevented minority groups from interacting with medical staff in the country. The minorities face other additional social-economic challenges such as poor economic status and when these unjustified perceptions are included, access to good medical care becomes a difficult challenge. According to Benzeval et al (1992), racial discrimination in the United Kingdom affects health of the minorities in various ways. They include poor sanitation and living conditions, which arises from inequitable distribution of resources, poor treatment due to lack of resources... This paper stresses that health care system in the United Kingdom lacks important aspects, which perpetuates racial discrimination in the sector. These include lack of representative medical staff from the minority groups, insufficient policies and regulations to address patients from minority groups, in addition to very few users from the minority ethnic groups. Other aspects in the health sector include lack of medical staff qualified to work in ethnically diverse environment and poor relationship with non-governmental organisations that provides care to the minorities. Another major area of racial discrimination in Britain is the criminal justice system. In United States, African Americans a minority race continue to suffer from high levels of criminal injustice especially in capital offenses and imprisonments. This report makes a conclusion that the British government has made commendable efforts in ensuring that racial discrimination is eliminated, incidents of racial discrimination persists in the society and in institutions. This trend points to the widely construed notion that regards particular social group of people to certain characteristics. Regrettably, the ascribed notions have been used to draw and direct inhuman treatment to that particular group. In this regard, it is important for all British citizens to realize that respect for human dignity especially to the minority groups is the ideal measure of the country’s social economic development. This can be attained by ensuring equal access to justice, health, employment, education and in the political structure of the country.